Monday, April 26, 2010

Surf's...... UP??

For those of you not from the Tampa area, we had an AWESOME storm last night and today the winds were really kickin' up so I headed out to a nearby beach to see whats was going on and came across this group of guys Kite Surfing and just had to get some shots of the action. I admit I don't have the skills, balance, or frankly the upper body strength for this extreme water sport, but it looks like so much fun that the little adrenaline junkie living inside me is just dying to try it. As of yet, this is the closest I've gotten.

A side note about the lack of color.... I was chided for shooting in black and white by my boyfriend Greg, who said it was a shame I wasted the beautiful afternoon light, which, it was indeed quite stunning, but the texture of the spray and the choppy water were far more interesting to me in monochrome. You be the judge.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

hippocampus erectus

I was at the aquarium the other day playing with my new camera
and something about these strange little guys
totally captivated me. enjoy.

No, they're not babies.. these punks are full grown at 1/4"!

and of course the grand daddy of them all....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

In the beginning.....

So. I have been toying with a way to get some of my stuff 'out there' as they say and decided a blog was the best way to do it. I made this decision for many reasons, but the primary one was that unlike a website, I can post daily thoughts and watch any evolutions or revolutions take place. With that said, I hope you enjoy.